Monday, December 31, 2007

End of 2007 comment

More a formality than a contentity this blog post, with it being the end of year but without me feeling in much of a review mood. Think one of my 2008 tasks will be to read through these posts, a self-indulgent activity for which Andy Thompson and me coined the word "nurnation" and it's verb form "to nurnate" (i.e. to read through something you wrote yourself). Thanks to all you millions of readers and thanks to blogspot for helping me see more clearly now via postings.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Commentous moment, momentous comment

Thanks O. So in 2007 I do at least get a comment (the previous one was a test one I did, so it doesn't count). Hurray for me, and you. Now I need to find your email details, since you are not on Facebook.

Or should I comment on your comment, that's probably more sensible... done.

Read an excellent book on the evolution of cognition, "How Homo became Sapiens" by Peter Gärdenfors - who is a genius. Such difficult material, presented so well.

Bechtel's book on cell biology is an excellent approach to the philosophy of science, emphasising the importance of, well, mechanisms and diagrams in scientific explanation.

Customer review of Haikonen's book on Robot Brains can be found here:
[Click here for book details and review] - I sent a more detailed and technical review to the author, he seemed happy with it so everyone's happy then, which is nice.